Yes, I Do Talk to My Dog

This post idea is completely stolen from Yoonamania‘s most recent Thursday Thirteen. I found it so entertaining that I had to do a version of it myself, even though it’s not Thursday.  My excuse being that it is summer and due to my eratic work schedule, I find it difficult to keep track of what day of the week it is.

Without further ado, here are thirteen things I say to Benny on a regular basis.

1.  Benedict! Said in a low, slow voice, usually when he’s sticking his head in the garbage.  He then turns and looks sheepishly at me, as he backs away from the garbage.

2.  Don’t eat that! Probably the most used phrase, for obvious reasons.

3.  That’s not food.  Again, something that is used on a regular basis, although Benny has not fully understood the concept.

4.  Be good. Another highly used phrase, usually when we’re walking and we come upon another dog.

5.  Has there every been a time when we’ve forgotten to feed you? Used when he starts begging for dinner at four o’clock, a full hour before he gets fed.

6.  Just do your business.  Used on walks when he’s just starting to squat and he sees another dog/human/other animal/the wind blows/a car honks/you get the point which causes him to decide not to go.

7.  Hold your horses. Used when I get a bag and treats before I take him out and he can’t possibly understand that I have to take two seconds to do that.

8.  What?! Used when he jumps up on me, and no he does not answer.

9.  You don’t need a treat every time you pee.  Because he usually expects one, but you know, peeing is not that impressive.  One does not need a treat for peeing.

10.  What did you do? Often the first words out of my mouth when I come home and see whatever mess he’s made while I’ve been gone.

11.  You’re insane.  For obvious reasons.

12.  Walk normally. Because sometimes he walks like he’s drunk.

13.  You know you’re cute. He does know he’s cute and he uses that to his advantage.

3 Responses

  1. Lol, I talk to my dog, but it’s usually to scold him, which he doesn’t seem to understand.
    My aunt’s dog name is Benedict too! It’s a weird story actually. The breeder called him Dick because– well, he was always rolled over on his back. But my aunt and uncle didn’t like that name, so they called him Benedict, because he’s Been-a-dick. They call him Ben. Also, the breeder has this thing where he has to name the dog something with three syllables. Ben’s mom is Joan Rivers. Not ever just Joan, always Joan Rivers.

  2. I also say “Don’t eat that” and “Hold your horses” and “Be good” quite often! 😀

  3. That’s so funny, I saw a lot of those same words to Jade & Raiden. 😆 I think I’ll do this same “thirteen” thing next week on my blog.

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