
Ever since LeakyCon I’ve been fascinated by Youtube and how people use it to keep in touch with each other.  The first channel that explored this is the Vlogbrothers and I’ve been watching their videos for nearly two years.  Since they began, four years ago, plenty of other people have tried using Youtube to keep in touch with varying degrees of success.  Fiveawesomegirls is a good example of a successful one, having had the channel for three years.  Although they did just end their project of daily videos.  But after three years, who can blame them?


My LeakyCon friends and I tried doing a similar thing twice and while some of us still post occasional videos on the first channel, the second failed.  I haven’t posted a video to that channel in a nearly a year now.  I think mainly it’s because there are thirteen of us.


A few of my Infinitus friends and I started a channel a few weeks ago and so far we’ve been keeping up of us.  There are five of us, with a sixth trying to figure out her webcam and software enough to participate.  We each have an assigned day to make and upload a video each week.  I’m Friday.  It’s been fun and it’s a great way to keep in touch!  We named the channel AccioOfficeFire because we met at a Harry Potter convention and struck up a conversation because one of them was wearing a Hunger Games t-shirt and another was wearing a The Office t-shirt.  Feel free to check it out!

Blog 365 Fail

Would it be cheating to allow myself a few skip days in Blog 365?  Last night whilst watching Grey’s Anatomy I was thinking about what to blog about and then by the time the episode was over I had completely forgotten about it.  Then I went to bed without blogging and didn’t remember until this morning.  Fail.  Is it completely pathetic that I failed not even a week into the year?  Probably.